Frequently Asked Questions About The Design-Build Process

Frequently Asked Questions About The Design-Build Process

Construction projects are full of challenges. Having the right construction partner or contractor who can effectively deliver you the necessary services has become more important than ever. Previously, a single construction contractor used to function separately from other individuals, such as an engineer or architect, to complete any construction project.

However, things have changed now, and new methods are being developed where new construction renovations or additions are done with the mutual collaboration between an engineer, architect, designer, and the construction contractor.

This type of collaboration is what we call a design-build service. It is a collaborative delivery of the construction project and is widely used in the construction industry, where all these teams work with a single contract. These design and construction solutions are the specialized services that some construction companies provide.

However, many people are still confused about design-build services and how it is different from regular construction services. This blog post helps and answers all the frequently asked questions about a design-build service.

What Is A Design-Build Service?

A design-build service is a project delivery method where an engineer, a designer, a project owner, and other members work under a single contract to complete any construction project. It has to include all the details on the contract and include relevant information such as the budget, the milestones, project deliverables, end result, design and other important information.

In most cases, a commercial construction company takes the place of the project’s owner and coordinates all the essential aspects on the owner’s behalf. It means that they step up as the project’s leader and make sure that all of the team members are performing at their best.

How Is It Different From The Rest Of The Project Delivery Methods?

Design-build services have different benefits and are quite different from other project delivery methods. One of the biggest benefits it can give is better quality. Other benefits are construction efficiency and reduced cost. The main difference between the different methods lies in the risk and responsibility to achieve a particular project’s objective. All this leads to achieving the benefits mentioned above.

What Are The Top Benefits Of The Design-Build Process?

Some of the top benefits of a design-build service are faster delivery which means a compressed time frame for the delivery of the project milestones. It also reduces the administrative burden which means the owner can focus on the project, not only on the paperwork. It also guarantees safety , and most of the risk is reduced in terms of accountability, contractual terms, and coordinating efforts.

Moreover, as different parties work together on a similar project, it helps the designer and builders engage in the same team. Working together helps them reduce any kind of confusion and aid in better communication among team members. All in all, design-build can provide better and customized solutions for each construction project.

How Can Design-Build Services Save Time And Money?

Many construction owners have reported that design-build services can put a facility in operation 30% sooner. This helps maximize savings and improve the efficiency of the design and meet the compliance faster than traditional types of construction methods. When the owner, engineer, designer, and construction contractors work together on a single project, the project’s challenges can be identified in the early stages, and the solutions are found much sooner.

Final Thoughts

Design-build services can actually help you achieve your construction project’s goals faster and within budget. However, hiring the right construction firm is necessary to avoid any problems within the project and to ensure that everything works smoothly.

About Taurus Projects

Taurus Projects is a top-rated construction contractor in Fort Saskatchewan. We have been a major part of the Alberta and Western Canadian construction business landscape since 2006. Our company’s headquarters are located in Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta.

We take great pride in managing and growing a business that takes safety very seriously while providing our customers with professional and cost-effective commercial building construction services.

Taurus Projects offers site construction services, mine site construction services, material management services, commercial fleet management services, commercial renovation services, earthworks construction services, commercial electrical services, and civil construction services. Contact us for more information.

The Effects Of Poor Material Management On Construction Projects

The Effects Of Poor Material Management On Construction Projects

We emphasize the importance of material management in the construction industry in our blogs every now and then. Unfortunately, many construction contractors and project owners fail to acknowledge its significant impact on overall project success. It is true that, as a general contractor, you will continuously work under the immense weight of responsibility for almost every construction project component.

From labour management to equipment operation, there is so much to oversee. However, we have seen numerous construction projects meet their demise as a result of poor attention to material management.

Some of you might shrug and snort in disbelief, but the truth remains that material management is the single most crucial element of any construction site.


According to a study by ResearchGate, construction materials account for 50% to 60% of the total costs of any construction project. Can you imagine what slight mismanagement of this element could cost you? Many project owners believe that generous investment is the key to the success of their projects. In truth, when material mismanagement is a common occurrence at your site, injecting money into a project is like flushing it down a toilet.

In order to save you from the tragedy of watching your hard work go down the drain, we use this blog to warn you regarding the financial and reputational damage and consequences of poor material management.

How Does Poor Construction Material Management Impact A Project?

Every aspect, task, and activity on a construction site is interdependent. Thus, mismanagement in any part will ultimately affect all the other components and the project as a whole. For this reason, most of the potential impacts of material mismanagement are more of a chain of events rather than independent consequences.

Inferior Quality Of Raw Materials

Material management is not just about buying, stoning, and dispatching raw materials. In truth, material management is quite a challenging and complex task that requires due diligence and care. In this regard, finding a reliable supplier that can consistently provide high-quality raw materials is the biggest concern. If a material manager disregards this initial supplier search and scrutiny, they are likely to fall into the hands of unprofessional people who will sneak inferior quality products into each order.

This will either lead to a compromise on overall project quality or high replacement costs.

Costly Purchases

This point is closely related to the one above. Besides inferior quality products, a careless and lazy material manager may also pay a higher price for goods available at relatively lower prices from other suppliers. However, due to their indifference and inattentiveness, they fail to do proper research and eventually purchase expensive materials, leading to peaking project expenditures.

Increased Material Waste

The mismanagement story does not end at the material ordering phase. Once the materials have reached their desired storage area, their useful life will depend upon the measures taken to ensure the site is in a conducive condition and ready to receive the materials.

Unfortunately, very few managers pay attention to this crucial step only to reap unpleasant and costly results in the form of damaged, degraded, stolen, and decayed materials.

Similarly, if the material is dispatched to the site and its usage is not adequately monitored, the workforce might disregard the importance of the materials and mishandle them during use. The latter also increases material waste.

Budget Overruns

All of the material management failures mentioned above will lead to budget overruns and uncertainties in the future.

Decreased Profit Margins

When your costs exceed your budget, you often have two choices. You can either pass on the extra costs to the client and demand an increase in the preset project price or bear the burden and decrease your profit margins. If you chose the first option, the client would ask you to explain why you weren’t able to provide a reasonable estimate beforehand. This will ultimately lead to the loss of your credibility in your client’s eyes.

In contrast, if you decide to bear the costs, your profit margins will be significantly reduced. In order to avoid such dilemmas, we recommend that you hand over the material management task to a reliable general contractor.

Project Delays And Loss Of Goodwill

All these, in combination, in the end, lead to numerous project delays, compromises on quality, and dissatisfied clients. As a construction contractor, your biggest weapon to prosperity is word-of-mouth publicity. However, improper material management will only result in negative hype and loss of goodwill.

About Taurus Projects

From site preparation to civil earthworks, material management, and fleet management, we have what it takes to diligently handle a construction project from every angle. Learn more about Taurus Projects and our services.

Contact us now to ensure the timely and as-budgeted completion of your project.

Common Uncertainties Construction Project Managers Face

Common Uncertainties Construction Project Managers Face

A construction project is full of dangers, unexpected outcomes, and uncertainties. At one point, you might think that everything is going fine, but one small mishap can jeopardize the whole construction process and not bring the desired outcomes. For many people, uncertainty in a construction project can be common. Hiring a professional construction contractor who knows how to deal with unwelcome situations can help make the situation less stressful.

Since in any construction project, there are different parties involved. From owners to workers and stakeholders, each team has specific requirements and expectations from the project. Such clashes can lead to delayed construction project completion and ultimately affect the timeline and budget set for the project.

Therefore, knowing such uncertainties in advance becomes necessary, so you know which uncertainties are involved and how to deal with them. A systematic approach is required to identify, evaluate, and respond to these uncertainties.

This blog post highlights the common uncertainties in a construction project and how to deal with them.

Common Construction Project Uncertainties

Some common construction project uncertainties are as follows:

Poor Scope Of The Project

One of the common causes of project uncertainty is poor project scope management. When the final goals and terms are not defined for any construction project, the team won’t know where it is heading and the milestones that need to be achieved. Lack of proper project scope management leads to a vague path that achieves unsatisfying results.

Poor project scope gives birth to many other construction project uncertainties that impact the overall construction project. Therefore, if you want to make your project a success, it is necessary to clearly define its scope and goals before starting it. This way, you can be sure that you are heading in the right direction and making the right choices.

Sudden Rise In Material Requirement

This also happens as a result of poor project scope. When you don’t have a clear construction project plan in hand, you can’t clearly define the material requirements leading to poor material management. You either keep too much stock of a material which leads to wastage. Or, you may not have enough of a certain material affecting your construction project, thus delaying its completion.

Having clear goals for any construction project in mind and analyzing how much material you require for it is necessary to avoid material management issues. Hiring reliable material management services can significantly reduce material issues and ensure the required amount of materials are ready and are on hand every time.

Certain Environmental And Climatic Conditions

Environmental and climatic conditions are basic factors that every project owner must consider. Unexpected climatic conditions coupled with environmental and geographical conditions can make it hard to avoid uncertainties in a construction project. These unexpected climatic conditions can delay the construction project’s timeline.

Considering all the climatic conditions beforehand and having a plan is a good way to mitigate any unexpected climatic conditions.

Issue With Suppliers

Another common uncertainty that might lead to construction project problems is the lack of communication among suppliers, owners, workers, and stakeholders. When things are not communicated among the teams involved in any project, there are more uncertainties in the project, thereby leading to further issues.


Apart from the abovementioned factors, socio-political and economic factors also play a crucial role in the project’s completion or failure. Having uncertainties in a construction project is not uncommon. However, hiring a reliable construction firm can minimize uncertainties and keep the project on track.

About Taurus Projects

Taurus Projects gives your project the utmost attention it deserves. We incorporate tested techniques, state-of-the-art technology, and premium quality materials to ensure every construction project does not only meet a client’s expectations but exceeds them. We offer reliable construction-related services that avoid uncertainties in the process.

With over fifteen years of construction experience, Taurus Projects offers dedicated and reliable construction and related services to all its clients. Our customers have an exemplary experience with our construction services which has helped us earn a solid reputation. Contact us for more information.

How To Improve Your Construction Workforce Management

How To Improve Your Construction Workforce Management

Construction projects are one of the most difficult and complex projects that consume a lot of time and resources.

You must have noticed that construction projects are famous for being delayed and going over budget. In fact, according to a study, only one-third of construction projects conclude on time and stay within the estimated budget.

According to industry data, delays in construction projects due to labour inefficiency totaled nearly $117 billion in 2018.

However, there are now many new construction project management solutions like this Digital resource management app by PVS that can help construction management contractors to finish their projects on time while remaining within budget.

One such tool is construction workforce management. The latter helps contractors to keep their construction projects on track.

But for this to work effectively, it is important that you hire a certified construction management contractor who knows how to optimize an employee’s labour hours and job site operations simultaneously.

Also Read: Reasons Why Effective Material Management Matters

So if you are looking for ways to improve the productivity on your construction job site then keep on reading as it is discussed in this blog post, we will outline some tips that will help you improve your construction workforce management.

Without further delay, let us explore the depths of this topic:


Collaboration is key to improving your construction workforce management. This is because when you have an open stream of communication amongst all your employees and labour it helps you finish your project on time.

In order to achieve your project goals effectively, you will have to hire many subcontractors for different specialized jobs. Hence, you will need active collaboration among all the contractors to improve the overall efficiency and productivity of your construction project.

There are many certified construction contractors who are now using the database management system to streamline communication and collaboration on the construction site.

By doing the latter, the construction management contractor maintains consistent communication among all the stakeholders and workforce, which then minimizes the chances of delays and errors and ultimately leads to the construction project being completed on time.

Optimize Your Workday

Another way to improve your construction workforce management is by optimizing your workday.

Time management is the biggest pitfall of a construction project that is often neglected by everyone.

For instance, when the workers of your projects are spending a significant amount of their day waiting to begin working, then this idle time will ultimately slow down the whole process and make your construction project more costly.

Hence, it is important that the work starts on time and that the workers don’t have to wait for equipment or tools to start their activities.

So by simply investing in a better time management system, you can increase the overall efficiency and workers’ productivity, and you can finish your construction project on time.

Proper time management includes workday planning, travel time monitoring, and site preparation. These, in turn, minimize time delays and increase the overall productivity of construction workers.

Move To Digital

The world is moving towards digitalization, so now is the time for the construction industry to also go digital.

When things like daily reports, billing, and code inspection documents are done digitally, a lot of time and energy is saved allowing for the construction process to run smoothly.

Hence, moving certain things to digital will save you a lot of your time and will ultimately aid you in completing your construction project on time.

Hire A Certified Construction Management Contractor

The best way to improve your construction workforce management is by hiring a certified construction management contractor.

A certified construction management contractor has the experience and knowledge to help them tackle complex construction projects effortlessly.

Hiring a professional construction management contractor will improve the overall management of your construction project and will make sure that your project ends on time and stays within your budget.

About Taurus Projects

Taurus Projects is a reliable firm operating in Fort Saskatchewan and offering professional construction, material management, and fleet management services.

We also offer a state-of-the-art maintenance facility in Fort Saskatchewan that can perform routine maintenance, repairs, and inspections on most types of Industrial, commercial, and highway equipment and vehicles.

We take pride in our top-notch services and pay special attention to the safety of our workers, the general public, and the environment. Contact Us now to get a hold of our trustworthy construction services.

Top Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring A Construction Contractor


Remodeling or constructing a new building requires careful considerations and a well-thought plan. Hiring experienced construction contractors is one of the most important elements in this process. You must look for a reliable construction partner who can build exactly what you want. They must be able to assist you throughout the process i-e from making the blueprint to giving final touches to your building.

Therefore, you must know how to hire the right building contractor and which factors to consider before beginning any construction project. Another important aspect of hiring a construction contractor is to look out for things that must be avoided. Before hiring any construction contractor, make sure to avoid the following mistakes.

Not Checking The Quality Of Their Work

One of the most important aspects of hiring any construction contractor is to see whether they are experienced enough in their work or not. While hiring any construction contractor, make sure that their work ethics, labor, and the materials they use for construction are of high quality, and they know how to manage construction work.

Research for a professional construction contractor as the absence of these qualities can make your whole construction process quite difficult. Therefore, you must research well before you hire any general contractor and verify their experience by checking their website and the reviews of their customers.

Getting A Quote Over The Phone

Any construction project is a big financial investment that will be with you throughout your life. Therefore you must make sure that you communicate well with the construction contractor when getting a quote.

Even if your contractor is extremely experienced, getting quotations over the phone is not a preferred choice. You must visit them personally and make everything clear before so that there are no costly surprises later on.

Hiring The Contractor With The Lowest Bid

If you are new to construction projects, you might think hiring a contractor with the lowest bid might be the best choice. However, if any contractor is offering lower than most of the rest of the contractors, you need to be careful about their services. There might be something which is missing in their services such as the quality of their materials, experience, workmanship, or something else.

Not Asking The Required Questions

Many people don’t realize the importance of construction projects and just hire any contractor they come across. However, they must research on their own and see which questions are necessary to ask a construction contractor before hiring them. Such important questions might include their labor rate, which building materials they use, completion time, number of workers on the site, and more.

Not Verifying Them For Licenses And Insurance

Many homeowners who hire licensed and insured construction contractors get stuck with unfinished work. This can be a big headache for you, leading to costly damages. Not verifying that the contractor is licensed or insured is one of the biggest mistakes you can make while hiring your construction contractor.

Therefore, make sure that you hire a professional and well-qualified contractor who has the necessary contract license as well as a business license. They at the very least need to carry general liability insurance and worker’s compensation if not a proper contractors license.

Hiring Because They Are Likable

It is easy to go for a construction contractor who has positive reviews online and is referred by everyone. However, that doesn’t mean that this construction contractor will be suitable for the job that you require. You will be spending a lot of time with your construction contractor, so you must know that your construction contractor will be suitable for you.

You should feel like they are approachable, and that it is easy to communicate your concerns to your contractor. However, that doesn’t mean that you should ignore the experience, qualifications, and credentials of a contractor.

About Taurus Projects

Let us handle your construction projects with professionalism and experience. Taurus Projects is a top-rated construction contractor in Fort Saskatchewan. We have been a major part of the Alberta and Western Canadian construction business landscape since 2006. We have construction professionals who strive to provide top-rated construction services for our customers. Contact us here for further information.

Material Management Best Practices In The Construction Industry

Material Management Best Practices In The Construction Industry

For those of you who peek at a construction site from afar, erecting a building may seem as simple as putting one brick over the other. However, only seasoned construction contractors understand the headache involved in turning worthless raw materials into remarkable phenomenal structures. From record-keeping to material handling, equipment dispersal, machine maintenance, regular inspections, and labor management, there are so many elements that need to be taken care of.

Many less experienced construction contractors who doesn’t have accounting services from Logidrive or any other system falsely believe that the more generously they inject money into a construction project, the more it will thrive. In truth, excessive investment in any construction project does not ensure that the project will be a success. Besides, the diligent handling of all construction site activities and tasks such as material management, labor and equipment monitoring, and task progression is what guarantees a project’s prosperity.

Consequently, the importance of adequate material management can not be emphasized enough. As a project owner or construction contractor, you surely understand the sensitivity of the matter. If there is any delay in material dispatch or mishandling of raw materials, you as a contractor are likely to incur massive losses.

To save you from such a situation, today’s blog will reveal some of the best industry material management practices and procedures. But before we do that, let us see where a poorly formulated material management strategy and inadequate material handling technique can land you.

The Drawbacks Of Poor Material Management

Material management is an integral part of any construction project. If you fail to pay the needed attention to this aspect, the results may be quite detrimental. Therefore, you should never regard this task as trivial. The construction industry has witnessed numerous project demises resulting from inadequate material handling practices. To be honest, the effects of poor material management are not independent of each other. In reality, it is simply a chain of adverse events in which one mishap paves the way for the next.

Some of the most harmful effects of poor material management practices include:

  • Upsurge in material waste, which ultimately increases material costs.
  • Deviations from budgets result in numerous uncertainties for the future.
  • Increased risk of material loss and theft.
  • Substandard record-keeping, which leads to poor accounting records
  • Poor handling and dispatching of materials to the construction sites. The latter results in project delays.
  • The carefree approach of the material manager induces a lack of responsibility amongst employees, which leads to further carelessness in other areas as well.
  • The latter, accompanied by project delays, leads to dissatisfied customers.
  • All of the above result in an overall loss of trust in your company in the industry.
  • In the end, you endure high costs and reduced revenue.

Material Management Best Practices

Evidently, you wouldn’t want any of the above to happen to you. So, how do you avoid it? Just incorporate the following simple practices:

Hire A Material Manager

Assigning responsibility for each facet of the construction site to a specific individual is always a good idea. In this way, you will not have to ask each and every person about the handling of particular site material. You can hold one person questionable and accountable for every material-related task. Of course, you need to help the manager assemble a diligent team for further responsibility sharing.

Segregate Duties And Isolate Responsibility

Speaking of responsibility, you must also ensure that material management tasks are adequately divided amongst team members with no conflict of interest. For example, the person responsible for picking materials from the warehouse should not also be responsible for signing the dispatch slip. The latter increases fraud and theft risk. Thus, segregation of duties and isolation of responsibility is important.

Emphasize The Importance Of Material Handling Amongst Employees

In order to instill a sense of responsibility in your employees, you and other managers should frequently enlighten them regarding material waste reduction and proper material handling.

Evaluate Potential Suppliers

When it comes to uncontrollable material costs, you need to start from the root of the matter. If you purchase high-quality material from reliable suppliers, chances of incurring material waste and replacement costs will be significantly diminished.

Ensure Storage Facilities Are Up To The Mark

Apart from material handling on the site itself, their proper storage is also crucial. Thus, you must ensure that your storage area is suitable to the material type and is safe enough.

Delegate The Responsibility To Material Management Experts

We understand that material management is an overwhelming task, and you already have a lot on your plate to worry about. Thus, we recommend that you delegate this aspect of your construction project to the most reliable material management professionals in Edmonton. Taurus has a profound understanding of every construction site service and knows what is in the best interest of every project owner. Contact us now to learn more.

Benefits Of Professional Sewer Repair Services

Benefits Of Professional Sewer Repair Services

Sewer systems and sewer lines undergo a lot of processes every day. Many homeowners have to face the ageing of their sewer lines especially if they live in old houses. Therefore, it is advised that even if you face a small issue, to get it repaired as soon as possible to fix the leakage. Otherwise, leaking dirty water will ruin the structure of your house.

Many residential and commercial construction companies also offer water and sewer repair and installation services. Taurus Projects offers a complete range of civil earthwork services for commercial installations in Canada. We have a team of qualified and knowledgeable professionals who provide top-rated services for sewer repair.

Getting these repairs done on time is wise to do before they turn into costly damages. Timely maintenance and repair can save you from extensive property damage and thousands of dollars on repairing them. This blog post mentions why you must hire a professional or get your sewer lines installed or repaired.

It Saves Money

One of the effective benefits of getting your sewer lines repaired is that it saves you a lot of time and money. Many homeowners waste their money on trying to fix their damaged sewer lines by hiring a plumbing contractor. However, what happens is that the result might not be as effective as you want, and the problem may still arise after a few days again.

Hiring the right contractor to install or repair your sewer lines will ensure that the plumbing system of your house remains in great shape throughout.

You Can Opt For Different Sewer Line Repair Methods

It might be surprising for you as a homeowner that now your sewer lines can be repaired using more than one option. There are two options for sewer line repairs, i-e, traditional excavation and the trenchless method.

Traditional Sewer Line Repair

The traditional sewer line repair method often involves digging the trench along a buried pipe that needs repairing or replacement. It might take several hours to rebury the pipe. Therefore this method is often labour-intensive and time-consuming. Moreover, it might take several days to complete. This means it will cost more since many companies might charge you per day.

Trenchless Technology

Trenchless technology requires the plumber to make a couple of small holes to repair the sewer lines. It is a minimally invasive process and does not include excavation. This method offers a faster and less expensive way to replace or repair your damaged sewer lines.

You Get To Install A Modern Sewer Line System

Another benefit of repairing your sewer lines is replacing your old system with a new one. If your house is old or you have lived in the same house for years, the chances are that your sewer system might have become outdated.

For example, traditional sewer line systems might involve heavy steel pipes which might have corroded over the years. Modern alternative solutions have PVC pipes that are much better and longer-lasting than traditional ones.

So by replacing or repairing your sewer lines, you get a chance to install modern sewer line systems which are environmentally friendly and less expensive.

Final Thoughts

It is better not to delay your sewer lines repair. A blockage in your drain is often the first sign to indicate a problem with your sewer lines. Therefore, you must look for the relevant company to repair or replace these systems before they become bigger problems. Many construction contractors also offer sewer line repair services with the latest available technology.

How Can Taurus Projects Help?

Taurus Projects is a professional construction company in Edmonton, offering various services for construction, fleet and materials management, electrical installations, sewer line repair, site services, and more.

Whether it is a major industrial project or a water and sewer repair in the centre of one of our great Canadian towns or cities, Taurus Projects takes great pride in its team of qualified and knowledgeable construction professionals who strive to provide top-rated construction services for our customers. We make sure that all on-site services are successful. We ensure that the work completed exceeds your expectations and is under budget. If you would like to learn more about us, you can contact us here.

Web Design in Mississauga

Web development in Mississauga, Ontario, has become a thriving industry in recent years. Located in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Mississauga is a rapidly growing city with a population of over 800,000 people. With its diverse business community and skilled workforce, Mississauga has become a hub for web development companies.

Web development is the process of creating websites and web applications. It involves designing, coding, and maintaining websites using various programming languages, frameworks, and tools. Web development in Mississauga covers a wide range of services, including web design, web application development, e-commerce development, content management systems (CMS), and mobile app development.

Web design is an essential aspect of web development. It involves creating the visual layout of a website, including the color scheme, typography, and user interface. Web designers in Mississauga use their creativity and technical skills to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites that are optimized for search engines.

Web application development involves the creation of web-based software applications that can run on various devices and platforms. It is a complex process that involves coding, testing, and debugging the software. Web developers in Mississauga use various programming languages and frameworks, such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, and PHP, to create web applications that meet the specific needs of their clients.

E-commerce development involves the creation of online stores and shopping carts that allow businesses to sell their products and services online. E-commerce developers in Mississauga use various platforms, such as Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento, to create online stores that are secure, scalable, and easy to manage.

Content management systems (CMS) are software applications that allow users to create, edit, and publish digital content, such as text, images, and videos, on their websites. CMS developers in Mississauga use platforms, such as WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla, to create custom CMS solutions that meet the specific needs of their clients.

Mobile app development involves the creation of mobile applications for iOS and Android devices. Mobile app developers in Mississauga use various programming languages and frameworks, such as Swift, Java, and React Native, to create mobile apps that are user-friendly, fast, and responsive.

Web development businesses in Mississauga offer a wide range of services to meet the needs of their clients. They work with businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large corporations. They also work with individuals who need personal websites or blogs.

One of the benefits of working with web development businesses in Mississauga is that they are familiar with the local market and understand the needs of local businesses. They can create custom solutions that meet the specific needs of businesses in Mississauga and the surrounding area.

Another benefit of working with web development businesses in Mississauga is that they are cost-effective. Compared to web development businesses in larger cities, such as Toronto, web development businesses in Mississauga offer competitive rates for their services. This makes it easier for businesses in Mississauga to get the web development services they need without breaking the bank.

In addition to offering cost-effective services, web development businesses in Mississauga also offer high-quality services. They have a skilled workforce that is dedicated to delivering exceptional results for their clients. They use the latest technologies and tools to create websites and web applications that are responsive, secure, and user-friendly.

In conclusion, web development in Mississauga is a thriving industry that offers a wide range of services to businesses and individuals. With its diverse business community and skilled workforce, Mississauga has become a hub for web development companies. Web development businesses in Mississauga offer a wide range of services, including web design, web application development, e-commerce development, content management systems, and mobile app development.

2 Tips To Help You Avoid Equipment Downtime

2 Tips To Help You Avoid Equipment Downtime

A prevalent question that comes to almost everyone’s mind while starting a construction project is how much will equipment downtime cost them.

Construction projects involve large and heavy construction equipment and unplanned downtime of heavy equipment can cost you thousands of dollars or even more per day and delay your projects completion.

Construction equipment downtime creates a domino effect in a construction project as it not only costs you money but also delays your project and impacts the productivity of your project as well.

Severe equipment downtime will begin to affect the productivity of construction contractors and workers on your job.

So it is important that you hire a professional construction fleet management company that will help you prevent construction equipment downtime and will help you complete your project on time.

Also Read: 4 Benefits Of Construction Fleet Management

There is no way that you can predict equipment downtime or damage but still with the help of foresight and planning you can keep all your construction equipment in good, and safe working condition.

Proper fleet management will increase your construction project’s efficiency, productivity and will help you manage your expenses better.

If you are still wondering how you can manage to avoid construction downtime then keep on reading to learn some tips in this blog that will help you reduce your equipment downtime.

The Real Cost Of Unplanned Downtime

Typically an hour of unplanned equipment downtime can cost you hundreds to tens of thousands of dollars. So an unplanned downtime will not only affect your whole business but will also impact the productivity of your construction workers.

For instance, if your construction workers were to arrive at the construction site and find out that a certain part of a significant machine is broken, this would affect their whole day schedule or even longer, depending upon the severity of the equipment damage. But you will still have to pay their daily wages as it’s not their fault that the equipment broke.

Also if your construction equipment breaks down on your construction site then it can also become a security hazard.

So the best way you can minimize your equipment downtime and also ensure your employee’s safety is by hiring a professional construction fleet management company.

A professional fleet management contractor will perform regular inspections of all your construction equipment and will maintain them properly to avoid equipment breakdown.

It is important that you invest in fleet management for the regular maintenance and inspection of all your construction equipment. It will minimize equipment downtime and will help you manage your project’s costs and schedule effectively.

To help you be safer and more efficient during your construction project, here are 2 tips that will help you reduce equipment downtime at your construction site:

Be Aware Of Unexpected Downtime Delays

It is very important that you are fully aware of all the unexpected and uncontrollable delays that can happen on your construction site.

Here are some uncontrollable delays that you can’t control:

  • Delay in deliveries by vendors.
  • Worker’s absenteeism due to tardiness, illness, and scheduling errors.
  • Repairs due to the misuse of equipment by workers.
  • Unavailability of spare parts.

These are some of the uncontrollable factors that can cause downtime and there is nothing you can do to control them.

The best you can do to mitigate these factors is to call employees on-call to cover for absent staff other than that you can’t do much to avoid these problems.

Train Your Employees

Another thing that you can do to reduce equipment downtime is train your employees on construction equipment maintenance.

It doesn’t matter whether the equipment is old or new, it still needs to be properly maintained.

So make sure that all your workers and construction contractors know how to properly maintain the construction equipment they are using.

About Taurus Projects

Taurus Projects is a reliable firm operating in Fort Saskatchewan and offering professional construction, materials management, and fleet management services.

Taurus’ fleet management division offers total fleet management services for large industrial equipment, commercial equipment, and highway vehicles.

We offer a state-of-the-art maintenance facility in Fort Saskatchewan that can perform routine maintenance, repairs, and inspections on most types of Industrial, commercial, and highway equipment and vehicles.

We take pride in our top-notch services and pay special attention to the safety of our workers, the general public, and the environment. Contact Us now to get a hold of our trustworthy engineering services.

How To Improve Labor Management On The Construction Site

How To Improve Labor Management On The Construction Site

Keeping your labors productive on a construction site is necessary to get the best results for your construction project. Overall, construction projects are notorious for getting delayed and having inefficient labor. This leads to construction projects going over their budget and time, causing a significant loss to your construction project.

However, hiring the right site prep contractors can help you successfully handle and manage the site services for your industrial and commercial construction projects. Taurus Projects is one of the most experienced site prep contractors in Canada, providing efficient services for an effective labor supply through which you can get a skilled and experienced workforce for your construction project.

Understanding why productivity is lagging in your laborers can effectively help you in keeping your laborers active and productive on the construction site. Construction projects can be complex and require a laborers’ availability, skill level, and motivation to do the job. If the labor is not managed effectively, the project will not be delivered on time and within scope.

So, how do you effectively manage your workforce and enable them to deliver their best? If you are still looking for an answer to this question. You are in the right place. This blog post mentions some of the common ways to improve labor-management on a construction site.

Communicate Well

Having an open stream of communication between all workers on the construction site can improve productivity by leaps and bounds. This is one of the main keys to the project’s success. If the manager on the construction site communicates everything well to its workers and laborers, there will be no miscommunication or confusion.

Every member of the workforce will feel involved in the construction project. This will create collaborative emotions and feelings, which will make them realize that they can communicate their ideas, concerns, and thoughts to upper management.

Moreover, as a manager, you must communicate the project’s requirements, deadlines, and milestone delivery dates to your laborers before they commence their work. There must be tight coordination among workers, which will help them achieve the project’s milestones on time, within scope, and on budget.

Prioritize The Health And Safety Of The Workers

Professional commercial general contractors prioritize the health and safety of their workers at all levels. They keep PPE and other safety equipment ready to maintain their workers’ safety on different construction sites. When workers feel that they are being valued, they can be more productive on the site, which leads to better performance.

Therefore if you want better labor-management on your construction project, it is essential to invest in safety measures for your workers. You should keep PPE and other safety measures ready to avoid any dangerous situation and prevent your workers from enduring any injuries.

Focus On Time Management

Time management is also an important factor in determining the success of a construction project. If your workers are spending most of their time waiting for the work to begin, they will begin to lose interest in the construction project and might not be able to deliver what you want from them.

So if you want to improve your construction project, you have to invest in a better time management system. Planning a construction project might help you with that. Break the large tasks down, set deadlines, and communicate to your workers what needs to be delivered every day so that they can work on that and deliver each day’s tasks.


Apart from the abovementioned factors, you have to manage your resources well to have better labor management. This means that you must keep track of where your equipment and materials are being used.

Moreover, you can also invest in technology to help keep track of your worker’s attendance, maintain inventory, and record milestones of your construction project. For this, different workforce management software is available to address your concerns related to labor-management in any construction project.

About Taurus Projects

Taurus Projects is here to provide you with trained construction workers with the right skills and experience for your construction project. Contact us here for further information.